Agenda 23 January 2018


Councillors are duly summoned to attend a meeting of Hatfield & District Group Parish Council, to be held on Tuesday 23 January 2018 at Pudleston Village Hall at 7pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.


 1.Receive Apologies for Absence

2. Declaration of interest and written applications for dispensations

3. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 7th November 2017(previously circulated)


4.1 Notification of external auditor for the 2017/18 financial year

4.2 Treasures account Bank Balance £12310.15

4.3 To pass the following Cheques for Payment Pudleston Village Hall £21.60 Hire (448)

Clerk’s wage £***** (449) HMRC £2.00 (450) Expenses £28.45 (451)

5.OPEN SESSIONS To receive a brief verbal report from:

5.1Ward Councillor Bruce Baker

5.2To Note Matters Raised by local residents on Parish Matters (10 minutes)


6.1 Consider comments on the following planning applications for determination by                                     Herefordshire Council

172680 Land adjacent Tan House Cottages, Pudleston Site for 3 detached dwellings including Formation of vehicular access, foul drainage treatment plant and other associated works.

The Parish Council would wait to hear the from Planning Department on this application. WM B Baker said he would look into the matter further.

174656 Common Farm Hatfield Proposed agricultural building and access track

P174615/U  Certificate of Lawfulness (CLEUD) 13th December 2017

2 Rectory Farm Cottages Pudleston Leominster Herefordshire HR6 0RA, Certificate of Lawfulness for existing use of occupation of property for in excess of ten years in breach of agricultural occupancy condition. , PARISH COUNCIL NOT CONSULTED

P174616/U – Certificate of Lawfulness (CLEUD) 13th December 2017

3 Rectory Farm Cottages Pudleston Leominster Herefordshire HR6 0RA, Certificate of Lawfulness for existing use of occupation of property for in excess of ten years in breach of agricultural occupancy condition. PARISH COUNCIL NOT CONSULTED

6.2To Note Planning Applications Approval/Refusal by Herefordshire Council

173481 Brockmanton Hall, Brockmanton Leominster Proposed agricultural building to house Crop sprayer and related equipment and associated new concrete yard. APPROVED WITH  CONDITIONS

171806/O Proposed residential development of 6 dwellings improvements to existing agricultural access, provision of orchard strip, foul drainage treatment plant and other ass. works     APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS

172680 Land adjacent Tan House Cottages, Pudleston Site for 3 detached dwellings including Formation of vehicular access, foul drainage treatment plant and other associated works       WTHDRAWN

P173874/PA7 Prior Approval Common Farm Hatfield Leominster Herefordshire HR6 0SG, Proposed agricultural building and access track. PARISH COUNIL NOT CONSULTED          REFUSED#


7.1 U94201 – Pudleston Bridge (Culvert works) Pudleston

7.2  Nicholson Road Reported twice CAS-654705-J6V2R8 & CAS-655333-TOJ4K4 Engineer inspected

 8.To Note Information Sheet

8.1 Herefordshire Council Licensing Act 2003

8.2  SSL certificates Eyelid productions Ltd

8.3  Community Champion Awards 2018

8.4  New Data Protection Act and EU General Protection Regulations

8.5 SLCC Practioners Conference

9.To consider matters as Agenda items for next meeting (No Discussion)

10 Date of Next Meeting (proposed)

Signed:       SD Hanson       Clerk                                    DATED            18 January 2018